The Bill is pending final approval in Congress, after having already been approved bythe Senate, and includes in its article 16.3, that they can articulate "mechanisms thatprioritize recycling within the European union". Europe is a highly surplus marketexported more than 12 million tons of recovered paper, avoiding his final burial inlandfills.
Against all odds, and aside from policies usually extended the Union component,Spanish legislation leaves open the door to protectionism, by putting obstacles to freetrade and in particular the export of secondary raw materials (wastes recovered forrecycling). The text sent by the Chamber of Deputies, was published on 6 June in theofficial bulletin of the general courts of the Senate and returned to Congress with hisapproval. It establishes in its article 16.3 as "Regarding the likely be recycled, publicadministrations can articulate on a temporary basis, mechanisms that prioritizerecycling within the European Union, when it is justified for environmental reasons".Any mechanism of jointed to prioritize recycling in proximity, would seriouslycontravene the most basic principles of free trade, as well as having irreparableconsequences of environmental character, given the limited capacity of recyclingpaper, within the European Union. The surplus of paper recovered for recycling, inEurope is some 12 million tons per year, and only Spain, France and Portugal,environment exceeds 2 million tons (2.29 million in 2009). All that volume would haveto be buried in landfills or eliminated through incineration, in the case of not being able to be exported to Asia.
The sole agents helped with these protectionist mechanisms, would be recycled paper,which would enjoy the advantages of a market surplus in their raw materials, with theconsequent 'artificial' detriment of supply prices. However, multitude of services such as municipal selective collection or destruction of discarded confidentialdocumentation services, which is currently self-financing with revenues from theexport market, would represent now a considerable expenditure for Councils,companies and consumers in general.
According to REPACAR (Spanish Association of paper and paperboard recovery), theexport of recovered paper Asia market is a natural flow since it returns to its origincarton entering Europe. Daily reach European markets products protected withcardboard packaging, returning to Asia for the production of new packaging. In addition, this return is made through strategies of reverse logistics, with a maximumuse of synergies of transport and a minimum environmental impact (containers thatcarry paper and paperboard recovered to Asia, are containers of return, which shouldreturn to Asia, empty or full), thus closing its cycle of life through recycling. In addition,according to REPACAR, also China has recently promulgated the twelfth five-year planof economic and social development, which will be deepened in the development ofan economy based on recycling and environmental protection. This country has beenconsolidated as one of the first consumers in the world of secondary raw materials,given the needs of the recycling industry can absorb the surpluses of the Europeanand North American countries and convert them for further use, avoiding both theconsumption of new resources and wood, such as landfill or incineration of surplusrecovered paper in Western countries of origin.
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